Larmon House Movers, Inc. Logo
Schuylerville, NY - (800) 675-3820

Raising a house on Sacandaga Lake, N.Y.
Raising a house on Sacandaga Lake, N.Y.

See more interesting pictures in our Picture Gallery which contains some rare, historic photographs.

Larmon House Movers, Inc. has been in the business for over 139 years, spanning five generations. Over these years we have acquired the equipment, knowledge and expertise to handle almost any building relocation project.

Our improvements can increase your home's resale value. Give us a call and find out how we can help you. Free estimates.

We serve Eastern New York State, including New Paltz, Albany, Utica, Lake Placid, Plattsburgh. Also Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont.

Larmon House Movers, Inc.
168 Hayes Road
Schuylerville, NY 12871
(800) 675-3820 - (518) 695-3820 - FAX: (518) 695-3608

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Member International Association of Structural Movers
Member New England Association of Structural Movers

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Structural Movers  logo Visit the International Association of Structural Movers to find out more about other House Movers. Not in our area? Find a house mover near you by checking the IASM Member Listing.